Eczema Itch – What it's like and how to quell it.

Quelling childhood eczema itch.

Itch related to eczema is a powerful sensation and quelling the itch often requires getting eczema under control first. For a quick overview of eczema-related itch and how to deal with it, watch this video from one of our volunteers, Angela.

Itch in children with eczema can be frustrating and often feels beyond our control. But there are resources to help you and below are two that you may find useful: 

  1. A guide from the American Academy of Pediatrics offers some proven tips for managing itch;

  2. A comprehensive guide for families on how to conquer eczema from Boston Children’s Hospital.

The bottom line: Managing itch is very difficult for both children and parents. One thing that doesn't help is telling your child just to "stop scratching." We recently wrote an excellent article on how to compassionately manage scratching behavior which may be helpful. This slideshow offers some useful suggestions for managing itch, too. One of those suggestions is using a “wet wrap” and this step-by-step guide shows you how to do it. 

GPER also hosted this podcast on itch which included discussion of nighttime itch, antihistamine use, and how itch interacts with the nervous system. 

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter where we announce new treatments and opportunities to participate in research. And if you like what we do, considering donating to GPER!


Liam’s Eczema Story


Does a Common Bacteria (Staph aureus) Drive Itch?